When: Dec. 7, 2024
Time: 10:00am - 3:00pm*
Where: Hopkinton Chamber Businesses - see list of businesses here.
It's Holiday time again! Let's celebrate at our 2024 Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce Holiday Stroll. It will be a great way to get all of your shopping done, be entered into a random drawing to win a $300 cash prize! and have a fantastic time doing it! Go from store to store by foot or cover much more mileage by taking your own vehicle.
Many of our Chamber businesses will be participating with sales, specials, contests, treats and promotions to make your holiday shopping easy and fun. We can't wait to share all of the days events here with you!
"Like" our Holiday Stroll Events page to be kept up-to-date on Holiday Stroll Announcements!
Photo Gallery Last Holiday Stroll
Other Events on Dec. 7th:
Festival of Lights happening at the Library from 1pm-3pm.
Girl Scouts Caroling on the Common from 4pm - 6pm.
Join the Hopkinton Girl Scouts after the
Holiday Stroll for this annual event to celebrate the season with community, cocoa, gift vendors, kids crafts, Santa photos and caroling! -
Gathering of lanterns on the common after the tree lighting.

Again This year we will have a complimentary Horse Drawn Carriage ride around the Hopkinton Common! 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Chance to win a $300 cash prize!
HOW to enter for your chance to win:
Visit participating business locations and have your Holiday Stroll Passport stamped with each business’s unique stamp. Must have a minimum of 4 businesses stamped in each of the 5 sections to be eligible for a chance to win a $300 cash prize. (Multiple cash prizes to be awarded)
Use your phone to take a picture of your stamped passport with legible contact info, and Email the picture by 2:00pm, Dec. 8, 2024 to: info@hopchamber.com to be entered into a random drawing for a $300 cash prize!
Passports and Guides available at the participating businesses beginning in November and leading up to the Stroll on Dec. 7th or get your Nov. 27th Edition of the Hopkinton Independent for the Passport Insert.
Be sure to "Like" our Holiday Stroll Events page to be kept updated!